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Visitors 33
Modified 12-Jul-23
Created 8-May-23
112 photos

On Monday, May 8, 2023 just before 0400 hours Fire Communications began receiving phone calls reporting several houses on fire in the 2800 block of Frederick Avenue in the Gwynns Falls neighborhood of southwest Baltimore. Fire Box 30-30 was sent out at 0401.
Just four blocks to the west of the fire is the quarters of Engine 30 and Truck 8. As they hit the street they saw the glow and smoke down the street just ahead of them. When they arrived they were greeted with several fully involved 2-story vacant houses. Four were vacant and one was occupied. Fire was throughout all of them. Battalion Chief 3, Mike Rudasil arrived around the same time and requested the working fire assignment. He then pulled the second alarm at 0408. Companies surrounded the fire and attacked with ladder pipes and portable monitor pipes. When Shift Commander Thomas Tosh arrived he took Command and requested a special call for four more engines to set up for heavy water operations to supplement the water supply.
It took about 2 ½ hours to bring the fire under control. At around 0700 Command requested Pikesville Volunteer Tower 323 to the scene to access two of the structures for final overhaul and extinguishment in several hard to reach areas of hot spots.
Fire Investigation along with Maryland State Fire Marshal were on the scene to determine the cause and origin of the fire. Public Works was also called to the scene and later in the morning tore down all five of the fire damaged buildings.
CREDIT: Lt. Edward Doll, EMS 3CREDIT: Lt. Edward Doll, EMS 3CREDIT: Lt. Edward Doll, EMS 3CREDIT: Lt. Edward Doll, EMS 3CREDIT: Lt. Edward Doll, EMS 3CREDIT: Lt. Edward Doll, EMS 3CREDIT: Lt. Edward Doll, EMS 3CREDIT: Lt. Edward Doll, EMS 3CREDIT: Lt. Edward Doll, EMS 3

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