Visitors 66
Modified 1-Aug-18
Created 19-Feb-10
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Thursday, February 18, 2010 -

Pikesville VFC Engine 321 and Tower 323 responded with other Baltimore County fire units to a reported house fire on Thursday afternoon, February 18. Around 2 p.m., Fire Box 14-24 was dispatched, with a caller to 911 reporting smoke coming from a house under construction. First-arriving BCoFD Engine 14 (Brooklandville career) confirmed smoke showing from 6622 Edenvale Road and laid a hoseline from Smith Ave & Edenvale Road. BCoFD Engine 2 (Pikesville career) picked up Engine 14’s line and E321 dropped a 2nd line which was picked up by BCoFD Engine 19 (Garrison career). Engine 14’s crew stretched a line to the basement from the rear of the structure and attempted to gain entry assisted by Tower 323’s crew. Due to the intensity of the fire in the basement and 1st floor as well as the structure under construction, command ordered defensive exterior operations. Engine 2 and Engine 321 stretched two additional lines, and the Tower crew operated from the bucket clearing out 2nd floor windows and cutting a hole on the Bravo side to check for extension into the attic. Crews remained on the scene for several hours for extensive overhaul and checking for fire in the void spaces.

Initial Alarm:: BC1 E14 E321 E2 E101 E19 TOW323 M14

Working Fire Dispatch: AU14 RH156 E1 T1 SFTY1 M325
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