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Visitors 162
Modified 6-Sep-24
Created 11-Jul-21
77 photos

Right around 5:30AM on July 11, 2021 fire broke out at the Tuscany Woods Apartments in Woodlawn, right across the street from the Security Mall. Fire Box 13-21 was dispatched at 0537 hours for an apartment fire at 7105 Rolling Bend Road. A light soaking rain was falling this morning and Westview Truck 13 reported heavy smoke while enroute and requested a working fire assignment. Engine 3 from Woodlawn arrived in front of the 3-story apartment building and reported heavy fire through the roof. A second alarm was then requested several minutes later. Heavy fire was showing in the rear on the second floor balcony extending up to the third floor and onto the roof. The fire was mostly concentrated on the roof and balconies exteriors. Firefighters made their way into the apartments to evacuate tenants and check for any interior extension.
The fire was brought under control within 45 minutes and units remained on the scene chasing hot spots until about 1300 hours. Eight units suffered significant damage and several others had smoke and water damage. 46 people were displaced and the Red Cross was called to assist those people. No injuries were reported and the fire is currently under investigation.

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